User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 6-33
DD-2 Utilities Manual Pages dd2_query_tape
Pack -Specifies that as many partitions as possible are packed onto the
tape, allowing any given partition to span system zones if needed. If
there is not enough space for a full partition between the last system
zone and EOT, the remaining space is not used.
Stretch - Specifies that any given partition is stretched to the next
system zone if there is not room for another partition before the system
zone. This can mean that some partitions are larger than the specified
size. If there is not enough space for a full partition between the last
system zone and EOT, Stretch extends the last partition to EOT.
Waste - Specifies that the space between the end of a partition and the
next system zone is wasted if there is not room for another partition
before the system zone. This may eliminate some user data space. If
there is not enough space for a full partition between the last system
zone and EOT, the remaining space is not used.
NoZones - Specifies a tape formatted without system zones. This
parameter is not valid if the format type is Initialize.
%spacing The number of physical blocks between system zones. This parameter
is not valid if the layout element is Alternate or NoZones.
%lastzone The ID of the last system zone on the tape. System zones are numbered
starting with zero. Only valid for fully preformatted tapes.
%lastptid The partition ID of the last partition on the tape. Partitions are numbered
starting with zero. Only valid for fully preformatted tapes.
%tapesize The tape cartridge size, expressed as one of the following strings:
Small, Medium, Large, Unknown, or Absent.
%tapetype The tape cartridge type, expressed as one of the following strings:
HiClean, CE, Data, LoClean, Maint or Quad.
%tapedensity The tape cartridge format; single, double, or quad density, expressed as
%v_tapedensity a number or a string.
1 = Single density tape
2 = Double density tape
4 = Quad density tape