User Guide

5-2 Ampex 1308911-02
Model No.
Running Head
DST API Overview libdd2 API Functions
dst_rewind() Rewind tape to Beginning of Partition (BOP).
dst_setdrive() Change tape drive configuration parameters.
dst_setparam() Change tape drive data block size and tape device driver debug
dst_setpos() Set tape drive position to the specified location.
dst_space() Change current position by a specified number of blocks or files, or
set current position to end of data (EOD).
dst_status() Get information on tape drive and tape cartridge.
dst_unload() Unload the tape cartridge from the tape drive.
dst_version() Get version information for the tape device driver.
dst_weof() Write filemark(s) to tape.
dst_weof_ex() Write filemark(s) to tape (extended).
5.2.2 Position Specifications
The libdd2 API permits applications to specify tape drive position in either token form or
standard C structure form. Three positioning formats are supported: DST (standard DD-2),
DST600, and DIS. Each format can be converted from token form to structure form or vica
versa. In order to obtain DIS timecode, however, a position must be retrieved from tape in
structure form and converted to a token.
The token form of a position specification is a portable byte array that is not subject to host
platform byte-ordering or alignment variations. A token position written on one host platform
can be read by a program running on a different host platform. The structure form of a position
specification may not be portable across platforms.
The libdd2 API functions use the following structures, unions, and typedefs to get, set, and
convert position.
This structure type is used to get, set, or convert a position specification.
typedef struct
dst_pos_type_en type; /* Position type */
dst_position_un pos; /* Position */
} dst_position_st;