Computer Network Router User Manual

Newton Services
Find 8-11
Initiating or Canceling a Search 8
After using the Find slip to specify the search criteria, a user initiates the
search by tapping the Find button. Alternatively, the user can cancel the
search by tapping the Close box to dismiss the Find slip.
Search Status 8
While a search executes, the system reports its progress in a status slip.
Figure 8-10 depicts a typical Find status slip.
Figure 8-10 A status slip shows the progress of a Find operation
The status slip displayed by the Find service includes the Find icon and
name, an animated busy indicator that looks like a barber pole, and the name
of the application currently being searched. The status slip also includes a
Stop button, which allows the user to halt the search in progress.
Search Results 8
If a search finds just one item, that item is displayed behind the Find slip. If a
search finds more than one item, the Find service displays an overview list of
the found items. Figure 8-11 depicts a Find overview as it might appear after
searching all applications for “man.”