Mac OS X Server

92 Chapter 7 Working with Disks and Volumes
/dev/disk0s9 on / (local, journaled)
/dev/disk0s10 on /Volumes/OS 9.2.2 (local, journaled)
Enabling Journaling When You Erase a Disk
You can use the newfs_hfs tool to set up and enable journaling when you erase a disk.
To enable journaling when erasing a disk:
$ newfs_hfs -J -v
Disabling Journaling
To disable journaling:
$ diskutil disableJournal
Understanding Spotlight Technology
Spotlight is a desktop search technology that combines metadata-indexing with
content-indexing thats optimized for Mac OS X. Whenever a file is added, moved,
deleted, or modified, the file system notifies the Spotlight engine. The Spotlight engine
then updates its index, known as the Spotlight store. The Spotlight engine then
updates all of the applications using Spotlight, and changes are reflected dynamically
to the user.
The Spotlight store retains information that is extracted into two seperate indexes, one
for metadata and the other for content. Each index is created on a per-volume basis,
which means each disk or partition carries its own set of indexes for the information
about that volume.
Enabling and Disabling Spotlight
By default, the value of the spotlight parameter in the /etc/hostconfig file is set to -YES-
which means Spotlight is enabled on your Mac OS X Server computer.
To disable Spotlight on your server:
1 Open the /etc/hostconfig file for editing as root using your favorite editor. For example:
$ sudo pico /etc/hostconfig
2 Change the value of the spotlight parameter to -NO-.
You can also set the value of the spotlight parameter to
-NO- as follows:
$ sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/serversetup -setAutoStartSpotlight 0
Parameter Description
The name you want the new disk volume to have.
The device name of the disk.
Parameter Description
The volume name or device name of the volume.