Data Sheet

Lesson 13 DC Motor
In this lesson, you will learn how to control a small DC motor by an UNO R3 or MEGA 2560.
Components Required
Name Qty Name Qty
UNO R3 or MEGA 2560 1 3-6V Motor 1
L9110 1 9V1A Adapter 1
Power Supply Module 1 Fan Blade 1
Breadboard 1 DuPont Wire 9
Component Introduction
A DC motor is a kind of transducer that converts direct current
electrical power into mechanical power.
To complete this lesson, an extra power supply breakout board is
needed to source much more current to driver the DC motor than
Arduino board can do. The board has a jumper to select 3.3V or 5V
for each output. In this lesson, we only set the jumpers to 5V position
as the picture shown.
L9110 is a driver IC which is used to control and drive motor with two TTL/CMOS input
terminals from Arduino GPIOs.