Technical information

Administering the SVN Feature
Issue 7 June 2001
Time Interval
Enter the time interval within which the authorization code security
violations must occur. The range for the time interval is one minute
to eight hours (0:01 to 7:59), and is entered in the form x:xx. For
example, if you want the time interval to be one minute, enter 0:01. If
you want the time interval to be seven and one-half hours, enter
7:30. The system default is 0:03.
Announcement Extension
Enter an extension that is assigned to an SVN authorization code
announcement. The announcement must be recorded for the SVN
referral call to be made. A repeating announcement is suggested,
especially if the SVN referral call might go to an answering machine.
3. Administer an asvn-halt button on any station/attendant console. The
location of the SVN button can be determined by entering the display
svn-button-location command. Activation of this button stops the
placement of authorization code referral calls until the button is
Administering the Station Security Code
Page 2 of the Security-Related System Parameters form allows the user to
administer parameters relevant to Station Security Codes. This page appears only
for Release 5 versions or later of G3. To administer parameters for Station
Security Codes, do the following:
1. Access the Security-Related System Parameters form by entering the
change system-parameters security command from the command line
2. Populate the following fields:
Minimum Station Security Code Length
Enter a minimum Station Security Code length (3 through 8). This
value is used to verify all subsequent security code changes;
however, any existing security codes are assumed to be valid.
Default is 4.
SVN Station Security Code Violation Notification Enabled?
Activate (by entering y) or deactivate (by entering n) the security
violation notification for Station Security Codes. Default is n.