
Page -12-© Audient Ltd
Control Surface Setup
Assuming that you have followed all steps outlined in the
networking section, you will have connected ASP2802 to your
studio computer and connected to the console via AuNet.
To set up the ASP2802 as a control surface for Cubase / Nuendo
please follow these steps:
Step 1: Press the ASP2802 Setup
button and select Cubase / Nuendo
in the host software option page using
the rotary encoder.
Please note that the setup light may flash if you
have changed from another host software selection.
Settings are saved upon exit from setup mode.
Step 2: Exit ASP Setup and boot Cubase. Assuming that the
MIDI drivers have been detected (which they should have),
Cubase / Nuendo will immediately spot the available MIDI ports
for ASP2802.
Check this by navigating to the Devices > Device Setup > MIDI
Ports... and verify that the ASP2802 Control Surface ports show
up as detected for both inputs and outputs.
Please note that inputs will be indicated as active, however until
you create a control surface that addresses the ASP2802 output,
it will be shown as inactive.