
Page -31-© Audient Ltd
Pan Mode + Assign
To assign a channel ouput (encoder one) just
scroll through the options with the rotary encoder
and the assignment will change upon rotation.
To turn on software monitoring (encoder two,
page one) or polarity invert (encoder one, page
two) press encoder two.
To assign a channel input (encoder three) just
scroll through the options with the rotary encoder
and the assignment will change upon rotation.
Encoder four (gain) is currently unsupported in
the initial software release.
Please see for the latest updates
to control functionality.
To aid you in navigating your studio setup at a
faster pace, try using the VST Connections
labelling system to name inputs, outputs and
buses something simple (shortform text) and
Please bear in mind
that the HUI
only relays 4 characters
to the control surface
therefore short names
may be more useful.
Control Surface Functions