Programming Manual

Figure 9: Initial Dissection
Figure 10: Initial Dissection Detail
Using fluoroscopy or other visualization, advance the Surgical Introducer from the posterior-
lateral edge of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress towards the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) using
gentle pressure (Figure 9). The Surgical Introducer is advanced along the posterior maxilla
until the distal tip of the Surgical Introducer is within the pterygomaxillary fissure, or just within
the PPF.
Care should be taken to avoid injury to the infra-orbital nerve during the procedure.
Surgical Introducers 100 and 110 differ in the design of the distal tip. Both tips are designed to
maintain contact with the posterior maxilla during the procedure. However, model 110 is
designed to promote guidance of the Microstimulator Lead into the PPF, if needed.
Do not apply excessive force to the Surgical Introducer when advancing along the
posterior maxilla. Puncture of the sinus wall can occur.
Do not advance the Surgical Introducer beyond the pterygopalatine fossa. Patient injury
or poor outcomes may result from further advancement of the Surgical Introducer.
NOTE: Surgical Introducer placement at the pterygomaxillary fissure or just within the
PPF may be confirmed using standard intra-operative imaging (e.g., fluoroscopy).