Technical data

7 Deploying Applications
7-10 Administration Guide
Redeployment of Applications Auto-Deployed in Exploded Format
You can also dynamically redeploy applications or application components that have
been auto-deployed in exploded format. When an application has been deployed in
exploded format, the Administration Server periodically looks for a file named
REDEPLOY in the WEB-INF directory. If the timestamp on this file changes, the
Administration Server redeploys the exploded directory.
If you want to update files in an exploded application directory, do the following:
1. When you first deploy the exploded application, create an empty file named
REDEPLOY in the WEB-INF directory.
2. To update the exploded application, copy the updated files over the existing files
in that directory.
3. After copying the new files, touch the
REDEPLOY file in the exploded directory to
alter its timestamp.
When the Administration Server detects the changed timestamp, it redeploys the
contents of the exploded directory.