Technical data

Using SSL with the Apache Plug-In
Administration Guide 11-15
client-->2-way SSL-->Apache<--1-way SSL<--WebLogic Server
The Apache HTTP Server cannot use the digital certificate from the first SSL
connection in the second SSL connection because it cannot use the client’s
private key.
Configuring SSL Between the Apache HTTP Server
Plug-In and WebLogic Server
To use the SSL protocol between Apache HTTP Server Plug-In and WebLogic Server:
1. Configure WebLogic Server for SSL. For more information, see “Configuring the
SSL Protocol” on page 14-46.
2. Configure the WebLogic Server SSL listen port. For more information, see
“Configuring the Listen Port” on page 8-5.
3. Set the
WebLogicPort parameter in the httpd.conf file to the listen port
configured in step 2.
4. Set the
SecureProxy parameter in the httpd.conf file to ON.
5. Set any additional parameters in the
httpd.conf file that define information
about the SSL connection. For a complete list of parameters, see “SSL
Parameters for Web Server Plug-Ins” on page -13.
Issues with SSL-Apache Configuration
Three known issues arise when you configure the Apache plug-in to use SSL:
n The PathTrim (see page D-4) parameter must be configured inside the
<Location> tag.
The following configuration is incorrect:
<Location /weblogic>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicHost localhost