Technical data

Administration Guide 1-1
1 Overview of WebLogic
Server Management
The following sections describe the tools available to manage WebLogic Server:
n Domains, the Administration Server and Managed Servers
n Administration Console
n Run-time and Configuration Objects
n Central Point of Access to Log Messages
n Creating a New Domain
Your implementation of BEA WebLogic Server
software provides a set of
interrelated resources for users. Managing these resources includes such tasks as
starting and stopping servers, balancing the load on servers or connection pools,
selecting and monitoring the configuration of resources, detecting and correcting
problems, monitoring and evaluating system performance, and deploying Web
applications, Enterprise Javabeans (EJBs) or other resources.
The main tool that WebLogic provides to accomplish these tasks is a Web-based
Administration Console. The Administration Console is your window into the
WebLogic Administration Service. The Administration Service — an implementation
of Sun’s Java Management Extension (JMX) standard — provides the facilities for
managing WebLogic resources.
Through the Administration Console you can configure attributes of resources, deploy
applications or components, monitor resource usage (such as server load or Java
Virtual Machine memory usage or database connection pool load), view log messages,
start or shut down servers, or perform other management actions.