Technical data

Defining ACLs
Administration Guide 14-43
3. Enter the name of the Group in the Name attribute on the Group Configuration
window. BEA recommends naming Groups in the plural. For example,
Administrators instead of Administrator.
4. Click on the Users attribute and select the WebLogic Server Users you want to
add to the Group.
5. Click on the Groups attribute and select the WebLogic Server Groups you want to
add to the Group.
6. Click on the Apply button to create a new Group.
To delete Groups, enter the name of the Group in the Remove These Groups list box
on the Group Configuration window and click Remove.
For more information about Groups and the access control model in WebLogic Server,
see Introduction to WebLogic Security and Security Fundamentals.
Defining ACLs
Users access resources in a WebLogic Server security realm. Whether or not a User
can access a resource is determined by the access control lists ACLs for that resource.
An ACL defines the permissions by which a User can interact with the resource. To
define ACLs, you create an ACL for a resource, specify the permission for the resource
and then grant the permission to a specified set of Users and Groups. BEA
recommends assigning ACLs to Groups.
Each WebLogic Server resource has one or more permissions that can be granted. The
following table summarizes the functions for various WebLogic Server resources for
which permissions can be restricted with an ACL.