Technical data

15 Managing Transactions
15-4 Administration Guide
Additional Attributes for Managing
By default, if an XA resource that is participating in a global transaction fails to
respond to an XA call from the WebLogic Server transaction manager, WebLogic
Server flags the resource as unhealthy and unavailable, and blocks any further calls to
the resource in an effort to preserve resource threads. The failure can be caused by
either an unhealthy transaction or an unhealthy resource—there is no distinction
between the two causes. In both cases, the resource is marked as unhealthy.
To mitigate this limitation, WebLogic Server provides the configuration attributes
listed in Table 15-2:
Table 15-2 XA Resource Health Monitoring Configuration Attributes
Attribute MBean Definition
Enables or disables resource health monitoring for
the JDBC connection pool. This attribute only
applies to connection pools that use an XA JDBC
driver for database connections. It is ignored if a
non-XA JDBC driver is used.
If set to
true, resource health monitoring is enabled.
If an XA resource fails to respond to an XA call
within the period specified in the
MaxXACallMillis attribute, WebLogic Server
marks the connection pool as unhealthy and blocks
any further calls to the resource.
If set to
false, the feature is disabled.
Sets the maximum allowed duration (in
milliseconds) of XA calls to XA resources. This
setting applies to the entire domain.
Default: 120000