Technical data

Bridging to a Third-Party Messaging Provider
Administration Guide 18-23
Note: If your implementation is using a 5.1 Service Pack, the corresponding
sp.jar files must also be added to the Adapter Classpath field.
n On the Messaging Bridge Configuration General tab, select a Quality Of
Service of Atmost-once
or Duplicate-okay, as described in “Configuring a
Messaging Bridge Instance” on page 18-12.
Bridging to a Third-Party Messaging
When configuring a messaging bridge involves interoperability with a third-party
messaging provider, you must configure the following:
n Before starting WebLogic Server:
l Supply the provider’s CLASSPATH in the WebLogic Server CLASSPATH.
l Include the PATH of any native code required by the provider’s client-side
libraries in the WebLogic Server system
PATH. (This variable may vary
depending on your operating system.)
n In the JMSBridgeDestination instance for the third-party messaging product
being bridged, provide vendor-specific information in the following attributes:
l Connection URL
l Initial Context Factory
l Connection Factory JNDI Name
l Destination JNDI Name
For more information on configuring the remaining attributes for a JMS Bridge
Destination, see “Configuring JMS Bridge Destinations” on page 18-6.
Note: The messaging bridge cannot provide the “Exactly-once” quality of service
when the source and target bridge destinations are located on the same
resource manager (that is, when the bridge is forwarding a global transaction