Technical data

Administration Guide A-3
You use weblogic.ClientDeployer to extract the client-side JAR file from a J2EE EAR
file, creating a deployable JAR file. The
weblogic.ClientDeployer class is
executed on the Java command line with the following syntax:
java weblogic.ClientDeployer ear-file client
The ear-file argument is an expanded directory (or Java archive file with a .ear
extension) that contains one or more client application JAR files.
For example:
java weblogic.ClientDeployer app.ear myclient
where app.ear is the EAR file that contains a J2EE client packaged in
Once the client-side JAR file is extracted from the EAR file, use the
weblogic.j2eeclient.Main utility to bootstrap the client-side application and point
it to a WebLogic Server instance as follows:
java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main clientjar URL [application args]
For example
java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main helloWorld.jar t3://localhost:7001