Technical data

Administration Guide A-11
n Removing a Deployed J2EE Application
n Updating a Deployed J2EE Application
Viewing a Deployed J2EE Application
To view an application that is deployed on a local WebLogic Server, enter the
following command:
% java weblogic.deploy list password
The value of password is the password for the WebLogic Server system account.
To list a deployed application on a remote server, specify the
port and host options,
as follows:
% java weblogic.deploy -port port_number -host host_name list password
Deploying a New J2EE Application
To deploy a J2EE application file (.jar, .war, or .ear) or application directory that
is not deployed to WebLogic, enter the following command:
% java weblogic.deploy -port port_number -host host_name
deploy password application source
The values are as follows:
n application is the string you want to assign to this Application.
n source is the full pathname of the J2EE application file (.jar,.war,.ear) you
want to deploy, or the full pathname of the application directory.
For example:
% java weblogic.deploy -port 7001 -host localhost deploy weblogicpwd Basic_example
Note: The J2EE application file (.jar,.war,.ear) copied to the applications
directory of the Administration Server is renamed with the name of the
application. Therefore, in the previous example, the name of the application
. . ./config/mydomain/applications directory is changed
BasicStatefulTraderBean.jar to Basic_example.jar.