Technical data

D Parameters for Web Server Plug-ins
D-10 Administration Guide
FileCaching ON
When set to ON, and the size of the POST data in a request is
greater than 2048 bytes, the POST data is stored on disk in a
temporary file and forwarded to WebLogic Server in chunks of
8192 bytes. Setting
FileCaching to ON, however, can cause a
problem with the progress bar displayed by a browser that
indicates the progress of a download. The browser shows that
the download has completed even though the file is still being
When set to
OFF and size of the POST data in a request is greater
than 2048 bytes, the POST data is stored in memory and sent to
WebLogic Server in chunks of 8192 bytes. Setting to OFF
causes problems if the server goes down while processing the
request because the plug-in is not able to fail over.
(Microsoft Internet Information
Server only)
null If WlForwardPath is set to "/" all requests are proxied. To
forward any requests starting with a particular string, set
WlForwardPath to the string. For example, setting
WlForwardPath to /weblogic forwards all requests starting
/weblogic to Weblogic Server.
This parameter is required if you are proxying by path. You can
set multiple strings by separating the strings with commas. For
example: WlForwardPath=/weblogic,/bea.
(Does not apply to Apache
HTTP Server version 1.3.x)
The length of time after which an inactive connection between
the plug-in and WebLogic Server is closed. You must set
KeepAliveEnabled to true (ON when using the Apache
plug-in) for this parameter to be effective.
The value of this parameter must be less than or equal to the
value of the Duration field set in the Administration Console on
the Server/HTTP tab, or the value set on the
server Mbean
with the
KeepAliveSecs attribute.
(Does not apply to Apache
HTTP Server version 1.3.x)
Enables pooling of connections between the plug-in and
WebLogic Server.
Valid values for the Netscape and Microsoft IIS plug-ins are
true and false.
Valid values for the Apache plugin-in are
ON and OFF.
Parameter Default Description