User's Manual

3 0 0 9 ARF I I I Re m o t e Con t r ol
7 . Te le t ext Control But t ons
The teletext but t on: red, green, yellow , and blue buttons on your rem ote con trol
corr espond to t he sam e color ed buttons on your TV.
N ot e: Teletext butt ons only present in European m odel.
Bu t t on Ta sk
( Teletext on/ off)
Toggle on/ off the t elet ext .
Red Jum p t o t he telet ext page which t he Red color cor responds to.
Green Jum p to the t elet ex t page w hich t he Green color corr esponds t o.
Yellow Jum p t o t he telet ext page which t he Yellow color corresponds t o.
Blue Jum p t o t he telet ext page which t he Blue color cor responds t o.
Tr ouble shoot ing
1. Sym ptom : The rem ote control does not work properly, e.g. t he remote
cont r ol no longer work s from a dist ance.
Solut ion:
y Unplug t he connect or and plug it back into the USB por t .
y Check t hat t he batter ies for the rem ot e cont rol are fresh and inst alled
correct ly.
y For opt im um perfor m ance, ensure t hat t he rem ote cont rol is pointed
directly at t he receiver and is within 10 m eter s of the receiver.
2. Sym pt om : The indicat or light on t he u pper- left side of t he r em ot e control
blinks when you press a button, but the select ed com ponent does not
Solut ion: Ensure t hat t he rem ote control is pointed direct ly at t he r eceiver and
is wit hin 10 m eter s of the receiver.