Programming Guide

k Using Recursion Table & Graph Functions in a Program
Incorporating Recursion Table & Graph functions in a program lets you generate numeric
tables and perform graphing operations. The following shows various types of syntax you
need to use when programming with Recursion Table & Graph functions.
• Recursion formula input
an+1 Type_ .... Specifies recursion type.
”3an + 2” an+1_
”4bn + 6” bn+1_
• Table range setting
1 R Start_
5 REnd_
1 a0_
2 b0_
1 an Start_
3 bn Start_
• Numeric table generation
• Graph draw operation
Connect type: DrawR-Con_, DrawRΣ-Con_
Plot type: DrawR-Plt_, DrawRΣ-Plt_
• Statistical convergence/divergence graph (WEB graph)
DrawWeb an+1, 10_
Using Calculator Functions in Programs