Programming Manual

3.0 Special HTML META Tags
This section describes the special META tags (or elements) that are recognized
by the Naurtech Web Browser and are used to convey special instructions to the
browser. The META tags use the standard HTML format but are not recognized
by standard browsers. These special META tags assign hotkeys, control the
scanner, configure the device, and other tasks.
A META tag has the form
<meta http-equiv="identifier" content="valueString”>
The Naurtech Browser supports a unique set of “identifier” values. However,
because there is no current standard for these META tags, we also recognize
most of the ad-hoc and de-facto extensions available in other products. In
particular, we support most of the Symbol Pocket Browser and Intermec iBrowse
META tag identifiers. For the iBrowse META tags, we recognize the identifiers
with or without the leading “IBrowse_” text.
The following table summarizes the supported identifier values and their
functions. Following the table are individual sections with detailed descriptions of
the identifiers. All identifiers are effective only on the page that contains them
unless otherwise specified in the description.
Identifier Description
Application Exit the program
Battery Display on-screen battery information
BatteryNavigate JavaScript or URL invoked with battery information
Command Exit the program
CursorPos Set location of wait cursor
ErrorNavigate JavaScript or URL invoked on error
GetUnitInformation JavaScript or URL invoked with device information
HomeKey Enable/disable home key (F5)
IDA Invoke IDA Action Code
MoveSIP Set location of SIP input panel
OnAllKeys Bind all keys to JavaScript or URL action
OnKey Bind key to JavaScript or URL action
PowerOn JavaScript or URL invoked on resume from suspend
Reboot Invoke a device reset
Scanner Enable/disable the scanner
ScannerNavigate JavaScript or URL invoked on successful scan
SetDate Set the system date