How-To Guide Part 5

4.3 Device Configuration
Configuration of the 802.11a Wireless LAN Network Adapter can be done through the 802_11a
NIC Configuration utility found in the Windows Control Panel. Similar to Windows 2000 the device
can be set to work in one of two modes: infrastructure mode or ad hoc mode. Please refer to
Section 2.5 for more details on these network connection types.
To launch the configuration utility, go to Control Panel and double-click on the 802_11a NIC
Configuration icon.
The configuration utility allows addition, modification, and deletion of the configuration profiles.
Select one of the existing configuration profiles under the configuration list to modify or click New
to add a new configuration profile. Follow Section 4.3.1 and Section 4.3.2 to set up the station to
work in infrastructure mode and ad hoc mode.