
Input/Output Controller Replacement Instructions 19
Powering Down the Router and Disconnecting Input Power
While the router copies the configuration to the remote host, it displays a series of
exclamation points (! ! !) or periods (. . .). The !!!! and [ok] indicate that the operation is
successful. A display of . . . [timed out] or [failed] indicates a failure, which would
probably be because of a network fault or the lack of a writable, readable file on the
remote file server.
Step 8 If the display indicates that the process was successful (with the series of!!!and[ok]),
the copy process is complete. The configuration file is safely stored in the temporary file
on the remote file server.
If the display indicates that the process failed (with the series of . . . as shown in the
following example) your configuration was not saved:
Writing Router-confg .....
Step 9 Repeat the preceding steps, or select a different remote file server and repeat the
preceding steps. If you are unable to copy the configuration to a remote host successfully,
contact your network administrator or see the end of this document for instructions on
contacting technical assistance.
This completes the procedure for copying the configuration file to a TFTP server. Proceed to the
section “Powering Down the Router and Disconnecting Input Power.
Powering Down the Router and Disconnecting Input Power
Complete the steps in the following sections to power down the router and disconnect input power.
Warning This unit might have more than one power cord. To prevent the risk of electric shock,
disconnect the two power cords before servicing the unit.
Powering Down the Router
To power down a Cisco 7200 series router or Cisco uBR7200 series router, complete the following
Step 1 Facing the rear of the router, place the power switch on the power supply in the OFF (O)
position. Repeat this action if a second power supply is installed in the router.
Step 2 Observe the following items:
The green OK LED on the power supply turns off.
The fans stop operating.
The LEDs on the I/O controller turn off.
The LEDs on the port adapters turn off.
On a Cisco uBR7200 series router, the LEDs on the cable modem cards turn off.
Caution When the power switch on a Cisco uBR7200 series power supply is turned to the OFF (0)
position, the power supply will enter a reset cycle for ninety (90) seconds. Wait at least ninety (90)
seconds before turning the power switch back to the ON (|) position. If you do not wait the full ninety
(90) seconds, the power supply will not restart.
This completes the procedure for powering down a Cisco 7200 series router or Cisco uBR7200
series router.