Database Design Report XML Output Grammar

44 FileMaker Pro Advanced Database Design Report XML Output Grammar
ExtendedPrivilege Section
All nodes below start with <FMPReport><File><ExtendedPrivilegeCatalog>
Authorized Files Section
All nodes below start with <FMPReport><File>
Tag Name Value Description
name = "fmxml"
comment = "place comment here" >
<PrivilegeSetList> node exists when the current
extended privilege is used by other privilege
name = "Guest"
<PrivilegeSet name> contains a valid privilege
set for the current file.
id="123" >
Tag Name Value Description
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Whether external files can reference this file
without authorization.
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
If true, version prior to v11 will not be able to
open or access the file.
filesnames = "file1 ; file2"
string of authorized filenames The filename(s) of the authorized inbound
user = "Admin"
string - name of admin user The identify of the Full Access user account
that created the authorization.
date = "7/30/2010 4:15:32 PM"
string - timestamp The timestamp when the authorization was
id = "1">
Internal id value.