API Guide

Table Of Contents
Appendix C -Ruby Code Usage
Several configuration options are available for the ASM Ruby module. In order to run the code examples,
minimally one will need to set the username, password, and baseURI in the file AsmConfig.rb
require 'ASM'
require 'XMLPayload'
ASM::API::userName = 'admin'
ASM::API::password = 'abc123'
ASM::API::debug = false
# Globally enable automatic signing of all RestClient requests
ASM::API::baseURI = 'https://localhost/Api/V1'
# XMLPayload is a simple module to help process XML payloads
ASM::Payload.basePath = './xml_payloads'
# Set this to false if want to ignore problems with self-signed certs.
ASM::API::sslVerify = false
# hack to deal with self-signed certificates
module RestClient
class Request
def self.execute(args, & block)
unless ASM::API::sslVerify
args[:verify_ssl] = false
new(args).execute(& block)
The following Ruby code illustrates several methods for configuring ASM and signing requests.
require 'ASM'
ASM::API::userName = 'admin'
ASM::API::password = 'abc123'
ASM::API::baseURI = 'http://localhost/Api/V1'
# Fetch a service template by name
url = ASM::API::URI('/ServiceTemplate')
template_name = 'uploaded'
template_filter = "eq,name,#{template_name}"
# Enable auto signing for all RestClient calls
result = RestClient.get url, {:params=>{:filter=>template_filter}}