Reference Guide

Managing passwords
14 Dell Agentless Client Manageability Technical Whitepaper | ID 413
6 Managing passwords
The BIOS administrator password and system password can be set, reset, or cleared using the WMI classes
from namespace:
There are two classes which are exposed from this namespace: PasswordObject and SecurityInterface.
PasswordObject instances indicate properties of the password whereas SecurityInterface can be used to
perform operations on the password.
class PasswordObject
[key, read] string InstanceName;
[read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1),read] string NameId;
[WmiDataId(2),read] uint32 IsPasswordSet;
[WmiDataId(3),read] uint32 MinimumPasswordLength;
[WmiDataId(4),read] uint32 MaximumPasswordLength;
class SecurityInterface
[key, read] string InstanceName;
[read] boolean Active;
[WmiMethodId(1), Implemented, Description("Set New Password")] void
[ValueMap{0,1,2,3,4,5,6}, Values{"Success", "Failed", "Invalid Parameter",
"Access Denied", "Not Supported", "Memory Error", "Protocol Error"}, OUT]
sint32 Status,
[ValueMap{0,1}, Values{"NONE", "PlainText"}, IN] uint32 SecType,
[IN] uint32 SecHndCount,
[IN ,WmiSizeIs ("SecHndCount"):Toinstance] uint8 SecHandle[],
[IN] string NameId,
[IN] string OldPassword,
[IN] string NewPassword);
If passwords are currently not set on the system then you can use following PowerShell command to set it.
$SI = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/dcim/sysman/wmisecurity -Class
$SI.SetnewPassword(0, 0, 0, “Admin”, “”, “PASSWORD”)
To reset the password just use empty string “” for the NewPassword parameter.