Web Services Interface Guide

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
disk attribute, use the FQDD of the virtual disk attribute for the Target, and the AttributeName and
Invoke SetAttribute() with the following parameters (from Section 16.1) and syntax:
TARGET: Obtained from the FQDD field
AttributeName: Obtained from the AttributeName field
AttributeValue: Obtained from the PossibleValues field
wsman invoke -a SetAttribute http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
Name=DCIM:RAIDService -h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-J SetAttribute_Enumeration_RAID_Controller.xml -j utf-8 -y basic
The input file SetAttribute_Enumeration_RAID_Controller.xml is shown below:
<p:SetAttribute_INPUT xmlns:p="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
<n1:Message>The method was successful.</n1:Message>
<n1:SetResult>Set Pending Value</n1:SetResult>
16.19.2 Changing Multiple Values of RAID Controller Enumeration Attributes
The SetAttributes() method is used to set or change multiple values of RAID controller or virtual disk
attributes. The following example shows setting multiple virtual disk attributes. To set multiple
controller attributes, use the FQDD of the controller for the Target, and the AttributeName and
Invoke SetAttributes() with the following parameters (from Section 16.1) and syntax:
TARGET: Obtained from the FQDD field
AttributeName: Obtained from the AttributeName field