Web Services Interface Guide

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
<n1:Caption xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:Description xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:ElementNameMask xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:RequestedStatesSupported xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:StateAwareness xsi:nil="true"/>
To determine account state setting capabilities:
1. Get the CIM_Account class instance of interest using EnumerateEPR mode.
2. Enumerate the associators of the CIM_Account instance and search for
CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities class instance.
3. The presence of “RequestedStatesSupported” determines which states could be set.
4. One exception is account index 0. The first account is static and could not be set.
<n1:Caption xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:Description xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:ElementName>Account Capabilities</n1:ElementName>
<n1:ElementNameMask xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:StateAwareness xsi:nil="true"/>