Web Services Interface Guide

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
ActivitiesSupported = null
ActivityQualifiersSupported = null
Caption = null
Description = null
ElementName = CLP Role Based Management Capabilities
InstanceID = DCIM:CLPRoleBasedManagementCapabilities
QualifierFormatsSupported = null
SharedPrivilegeSupported = false
SupportedMethods = 6
ActivitiesSupported = null
ActivityQualifiersSupported = null
Caption = null
Description = null
ElementName = IPMI Role Based Management Capabilities
InstanceID = DCIM:IPMIRoleBasedManagementCapabilities
QualifierFormatsSupported = null
SharedPrivilegeSupported = false
SupportedMethods = 6
5.5 Manage Account Settings (using DMTF Model)
5.5.1 Modify User Name (using DMTF Model)
When the account setting capability allows, the user name of an account may be modified by issuing a
set operation on the UserID property of the CIM_Account class instance. The set operation requires an
instance reference. The instance reference may be retrieved by adding EnumerateEPR mode to
enumerate or get of the class.
The steps below demonstrate how to set the user name and password for local accounts.
A) Enumerate CIM_Account with EPR to identify all possible instance information to be used in a
subsequent put or set operations.