Web Services Interface Guide

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
8.3.2 Power State Management Method
The power control capabilities are also reported by the PowerStatesSupported property of the
CIM_PowerManagementCapabilities (PMC) class associated with the CIM_PowerManagementService
(PMS) class. Getting the instance of PMC is a two step process. First, enumerate the instance of PMS
with EPR. Second, enumerate the associated PMC class. When there is only one instance of PMC class as
in the case of iDRAC, the first step may be skipped and the PMC class may be enumerated directly.
Power State Management Profile:
wsman enumerate http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-j utf-8 -y basic
When the PowerStatesSupported property contains the value in the “PowerStatesSupported Value”
column, the PowerChangeCapabilities property shall contain the value specified in the
“PowerChangeCapabilities Value” column.
PowerStatesSupported Value
PowerChangeCapabilites Value
2 (Power On)
3 (Sleep - Light)
4 (Sleep - Deep)
3 (Power State Settable)
5 (Power Cycle (Off Soft))
4 (Power Cycling Supported)
6 (Power Off - Hard)
7 (Hibernate)
8 (Power Off - Soft)
9 (Power Cycle (Off Hard))
6 (Off Hard Power Cycling Supported)
10 (Master Bus Reset)
7 (HW Reset Supported)
11 (Diagnostic Interrupt (NMI))
7 (HW Reset Supported)
12 (Power Off - Soft Graceful)
8 (Graceful Shutdown Supported)
13 (Power Off - Hard Graceful)
8 (Graceful Shutdown Supported)
14 (Master Bus Reset Graceful)
7 (HW Reset Supported) and
8 (Graceful Shutdown Supported)
15 (Power Cycle (Off - Soft Graceful))
4 (Power Cycling Supported) and
8 (Graceful Shutdown Supported)