Deployment Guide

Finally the body of the flow request is filled in with our REST flow add request, as shown below:
To send the flow add request to the switch via the controller, hit the Send button. You should see a
couple of things at this point. On the switch console, if the flow is successfully added, you will see
something like the following:
FJ6K0Z1_console> 08-10 19:39:56.799895 indigo_ofdpa_driver: MSG:
src/indigo/ofdpadriver/ind_ofdpa_fwd.c:indigo_fwd_flow_create:flow create called, incoming table
08-10 19:39:56.800101 indigo_ofdpa_driver: MSG:
src/indigo/ofdpadriver/ind_ofdpa_fwd.c:indigo_fwd_flow_create:Flow match criteria for table 10
retrieved successfully)
08-10 19:39:56.800223 indigo_ofdpa_driver: MSG:
src/indigo/ofdpadriver/ind_ofdpa_fwd.c:indigo_fwd_flow_create:Flow match fields and masks criteria
for table 10 retrieved successfully)
08-10 19:39:56.800363 indigo_ofdpa_driver: MSG:
src/indigo/ofdpadriver/ind_ofdpa_fwd.c:indigo_fwd_flow_create:Flow match instructions for table 10
retrieved successfully, adding flow)
On the Postman application you should see the same “200 OK” output status back from the Ryu controller
REST API command, as shown below: