Quick Reference Guide

Error Code Message
42 Requested data field length limit exceeded.
43 Requested Sensor, data, or record not present.
44 Request data truncated.
45 Command response could not be provided.
46 Command response could not be provided. BMC initialization or
initialization agent in progress.
47 Command response could not be provided. Device in firmware
update mode.
48 Command response could not be provided. SDR Repository in
update mode.
49 Cannot execute command, SEL erase in progress.
50 Attempt to set the 'set in progress' value when not in the
'set in complete' state.
51 The SOL character ’accumulate interval’ is invalid.
52 The SOL character ’send threshold’ is invalid.
53 The SOL ’retry interval’ is invalid.
54 Command completed successfully.
55 Time-out while processing command. Response unavailable.
56 Unspecified error.
57 The password may only contain printable ASCII characters.
58 Username cannot exceed 16 characters.
59 Invalid VLANID value. Enter in ’dddd’ format.
60 Attempt to write read-only parameter.
61 BMC is busy.
62 Response data did not return successfully.
63 BMC time out error.
64 Option requires an argument.
65 The asset tag for this system is not available.
66 The asset tag cannot be more than 10 characters long.
67 The required BIOS interfaces cannot be found on this system.
68 The BIOS version information is not available.
69 There is not enough free system memory to complete the BIOS