Command Line Interface Guide

omconfig storage Commands 239
omconfig Controller Commands
The following sections provide the omconfig command syntax required to
execute controller tasks.
omconfig storage controller action=resetconfig controller=id
resets the controller configuration. Resetting the controller configuration
permanently destroys all data on all virtual disks attached to the controller. System
or boot partition residing on these virtual disks is destroyed.
Table 8-4. omconfig Controller Commands
Required Command
Levels (1, 2, 3)
Optional name=value pairs
omconfig storage
action=rescan controller=id
action=enablealarm controller=id
action=disablealarm controller=id
action=quietalarm controller=id
action=testalarm controller=id
action=resetconfig controller=id [force=yes]
action=createvdisk controller=id raid=<c| r0| r1| r1c| r5|r6|
r10| r50|r60> size=<number | b | m |g |max | min> pdisk=
<PDISKID> [stripesize=< 2kb| 4kb| 8kb| 16kb| 32kb| 64kb|
128kb | 256kb | 512kb | 1mb >] [cachepolicy=<d | c>]
[readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc>] [writepolicy=<wb | wt |
wc | nwc | fwb>] [diskcachepolicy=<disabled | enabled>]
[name=<string>] [spanlength=<n>] | [secureflag=yes]
NOTE: For RAID 10 on SAS controllers with firmware version 6.1 and
later, spanlength is an optional parameter (default=2.)
action=setrebuildrate controller=id rate=<0 to 100>