Command Line Interface Guide

omconfig storage Commands 243
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller
Example Syntax
To disable the alarm on controller 1, type:
omconfig storage controller action=disablealarm
omconfig Quiet Controller Alarm
Use the following omconfig command syntax to silence an activated
controller alarm. See the Dell OpenManage Online Help for more information
about Quite Controller Alarm.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=quietalarm
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller
Example Syntax
To quiet the alarm on controller 1, type:
omconfig storage controller action=quietalarm
omconfig Test Controller Alarm
Use the following omconfig command syntax to test the functionality of the
controller alarm. The alarm sounds for about two seconds. See the Dell
OpenManage Online Help for more information about Test Controller Alarm.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=testalarm
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller