User guide

Serial (RS-232/422/485) 5.5
Communications 5-261
Framing Error: The RMC’s serial port received a incorrectly
formed character. This is normally due to baud rate mismatch
between the RMC and the PLC although it could be due to a
corrupted character due to noise.
Parity Error: This is caused by noise causing the RMC's serial
port to incorrectly receive the character.
Break: A break signal has been detected by the RMC's serial port.
This is caused by the serial line being held low for an extended
period of time. This will cause the RMC's state machine to start
back at state 0.
Length of Zero: The RMC received a length of zero. This is
causes the RMC to stop all axis using a hard stop.
Invalid Checksum: The RMC did not receive the correct check
Invalid Length: The RMC received a length greater than 96 or
less than -96.
When the RMC returns only a 0 and error number the communications will stop because the PLC
is expecting more characters to be returned. The PLC should have a communications time out
timer that will restart the communications. It should also check the length for a return 0 and the
error codes above. The error codes are useful for initial debugging because they give some
indication as to why the communication is not working. Using the Mitsubishi Bidirectional Protocol with the RMC
Note: This Mitsubishi protocol was added to the RMC SERIAL module in 20051214 firmware.
Modules with firmware dating prior to this do not support this protocol.
Use the Bidirectional protocol to communicate with the RMC100 from a Mitsubishi Q series PLC
with a QJ71C24 serial communication module. For details on communicating with an FX series
PLC, see the sing the Using the Mitsubishi No Protocol with the RMC SERIAL topic.
Both the RMC and the Mitsubishi are very flexible and provide many options for configuring the
serial ports.
RMC SERIAL Settings:
Use the Serial Module Options dialog box as described in Configuring the RMC SERIAL to select the
following options for the RMC SERIAL:
Baud Rate
Data Bits