DigiTech Drop

March 2015 Guitarist 133
The Flashback Triple Delay
offers up to three delays
running simultaneously, and all
synchronised, too, if you wish.
Three footswitches recall
settings stored for the
corresponding delay engine
(Delay 1, 2 and 3), that you set
using the knobs. Besides being
able to set the standard
parameters of delay time,
repeats and dry/wet mix, you
can choose from 12 delay types
Tape, Tube, Space, Analog,
Analog Mod, Reverse, Dynamic,
2290, 2290 Mod, Slap, LoFi and
Ping Pong. In addition, the
Triple Delay offers four
different TonePrints as delay
types allowing you to load the
pedal with sounds created by
TC’s roster of artists and/or
create your own using the
software TonePrint Editor. You
also get a Tap Tempo footswitch
linked to a subdivision selector
that offers 11 different musical
intervals, and you can store
a different one with each of the
three presets. The multiple
delays can be run in parallel,
with the three mixed together
at the output, or in serial where
Delay 1 feeds into Delay 2 and
the signal then feeds Delay 3.
You can also connect an
expression pedal to control
a combination of parameters.
While you can use the pedal as
a source of three independent
delays, the Triple Delays
unique selling point is that it
offers massive potential for
sound creation using layered
delays. Mixing up different
delay types and timing
subdivisions means that with
two or three of the delay
engines active you can create
intricate textural repeat
patterns and immense ambient
echoes, especially as you can
Guitarist says: Three delays
working together in a single pedal
offers huge sonic potential
Three delays running at the same time
CONTACT: TC Electronic PHONE: 0800 917 8926 WEB: www.tcelectronic.com
TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay £235
use sounds that you create in
the TonePrint Editor, with its
adjustable modulation options
for dreamy soundscapes.
To create delays that are all
synced and rhythmically-
related you can program
appropriate delay time values,
you can feed the pedal with
MIDI clock, or you can hit the
tap tempo footswitch to tie
them all together. How that
latter feature operates, however,
may not suit some users who
utilise rhythmic delays in time
with the music onstage. The tap
tempo works only for the active
delays: if all three are on and you
hit tap tempo they will sync
perfectly. Any that are bypassed
will not be included and will not
be in sync if you then switch
them on. Obviously, that will be
frustrating for some, but fine for
those who, say, don’t want
slapback sounds to be affected
by tap tempo. We would have
liked the option of selecting two
different tap modes, and at the
time of writing TC is looking
into the feasibility of an update.
Make no mistake, three delays
in one pedal is awesome. The
Triple Delay is brilliant at
creating stacked delay sounds;
its great for recording and will
keep you amused for hours.
However, if you need to set a live
tempo on the fly, then bring
synced delays in and out, you’ll
have to re-tap each time or add
a tap tempo MIDI clock
generator. If it wasn’t for that
restricted functionality, this
pedal would get a Guitarist
Choice award. [TC]
GIT391.rev_quick.indd 133 21/01/2015 17:49

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