Operator`s manual

TIP: To get an idea of this amp's capabilities, we suggest you set the tone control pots Bass (4),
Middle (5) and Treble (6) to the 12 o'clock position. For extremely soft lead, blues or jazz sounds,
try setting the Treble knob to somewhere in the 8-to-11 o'clock range.
For aggressive metal riffs or spanky funk sounds, go for something in the range of 11 to 3 o'clock.
7 Crunch Volume (Combo model E322 and Head model E325)
Volume control for the Crunch channel. Use this knob to adjust the balance of levels between the
Crunch and Clean and Lead channels. Note: In the signal chain, this knob is located before the
effects loop, meaning that it influences the send signal of the effects loop.
7*Reverb (Thunder 50 Reverb, Combo model E320 only)
This knob controls the amount of reverb. As you rotate the knob clockwise,
the intensity of the reverb effect increases.
8 Lead Volume
Volume control for the Lead channel (and the Crunch channel at model E320). Use this knob to dial
in the desired balance of levels between the Lead (& Crunch at model E320) and Clean channels.
Note: In the signal chain, this knob is located before the effects loop, meaning that it influences
the send signal of the effects loop.
9 Clean / Lead
Channel selector pushbutton for Clean and Lead channels, red LED indicate Lead mode;
This function can also be activated via a footswitch (jack 15). Once a footpedal is connected,
the channel selector pushbutton is deactivated.
10 Master
Master volume control for power amp output.
11 Stand By
Power amp standby switch: Use this switch to silence (0 position) the amp when you
take a lengthier break. The amp's tubes stay warm, which means that it is ready to roll immediately
when you switch it back to full power. The standby switch is also well-suited for muting the amp for
brief breaks, for instance when you're switching guitars.
12 Power
AC power on/off.
Suggested Gain settings for the Crunch channel:
Remarks and Tips:
With the settings we've called "Light Crunch" and "Deep Crunch", you can exploit the entire spectrum
of the amp's different channels. "Soft Lead" will roughen up the edges of the Clean channel sound by
slightly saturating the preamp. When you activate it for the Lead channel, it generates what we've called
"Ultra-Heavy Lead." We recommend that you avoid using this option when you're playing through
the Lead channel at fairly high volumes. The noise level (hissing and humming) increases dramatically,
as does the likelihood of feedback being generated by your guitar's pick-ups, loudspeaker and preamp.
The "Soft Lead" option is only advisable if you generally don't require a heavy lead sound in the
Lead channel. It's also helpful if you are accustomed to using your guitar's volume knob-along with
the channel switches-to keep the sound of the Clean channel squeaky clean and control the amount
of distortion in the Crunch channel. With this configuration, the power amp tends to distort even at low
Master volume levels. This is an additional sound sculpting tool that distinguishes the Thunder.
We highly recommend the "Light Crunch" setting if you have a serious joyness for classy vintage sounds.
In this case, you'll have to turn up the Master knob to bring up the level of the Clean channel.
Then use the Crunch channel Volume knob (types E322 and E325 only) and Lead channel volume knob
to dial in the desired balance of levels between the Clean sound and Crunch and Lead sounds.
from ->
to ->
light Crunch
light Crunch
Single Coil
deep Crunch
deep Crunch
Single Coil
Gain Gain Gain Gain
Soft Lead
Soft Lead
Single Coil
Gain Gain