Technical Specifications

Signature Measurement
Diagnostic Services
AO Output Value of input signal of FVP110. AO block OUT.VALUE
Actual Position (red) Curve of feedback signal of FVP 110,
Air Pressure (yellow) The curve of output pressure of FVP110, MEAS_PRE_AIR
AO Output (blue) The curve of input signal of FVP110. AO block OUT.VALUE
Current Status Indicates current operation, or the measurement result.
Progress Bar Current progress of the signature measurement.
Cancel Current
Selecting this button cancels the current executing signature
and measures the next signature. For Measure All, it terminates
all the signatures.
Cancel All Signature Selecting this button cancels all the selected signatures.
Zoom In/Zoom Out In the curve displaying area, you can select a rectangle area to
zoom and double click mouse to restore.
Figure 120 Signature Measurement