Technical Specifications

NI-FBUS Software
Installation of Hardware and
2. Select Import DD/CFF and the browse dialog appears (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Import DD_CFF Browse Dialog
3. Click DD Info and the dialog appears (Figure 4).
Figure 4 DD Info Dialog
4. Click Browse, navigate to the ValVue installation directory. Default is \\Program
Files\DFC\ValVueFF\DD\ and click OK and OK and Figure 5 appears.
Figure 5 Import DD_CFF Browse Dialog
5. Click Browse, navigate to the ValVue installation directory. Default is \\Program
Files\DFC\ValVueFF\DD\FVP until the directory FVP_0001 and FVP_0007
appears. There are three files in the two directories.
6. Select the 0201.ffo file that is under FVP_0001.
7. Select Open.