Software Suite for Microsoft SQL Licenses User guide

RMSql mount
RMSql mount -s <SQL server> -t <timestamp> [-m <mount point>] [-ts <host
The RMSql mount command mounts a virtual copy created by the RMSql create command.
To mount a virtual copy, you must create an available mount point on the NTFS volume before you
execute the command.
The following options are supported:
-s <SQL server> The SQL server associated with the database.
-t <timestamp> The timestamp for the virtual copy to be mounted.
-m <mount point> Optional. The mount point for virtual copy devices. If not specified,
%SystemDrive%\3parSnapshot is used as the default mount point.
-ts <hostname> Optional. The name of the host on which to mount the virtual copy. If
not specified, the local host is used as the default mount point.
WARNING! If you mount a volume with the RMSql mount command, you must unmount the
volume with the RMSql unmount command. Do not manually unmount a volume that was mounted
with the RMSql mount command.
NOTE: When mounting in read-write mode, the system uses VDS API to make the volume
read-writeable. However if there is another operation on the disk and the device is locked, you
cannot unmount the volume. If you attempt to unmount a locked volume, the system displays the
following error message:
ERROR: COM call pVolumeMF->Dismount(TRUE,FALSE) failed.
Returned HRESULT = 0x80042413
Error text: <Unknown error code>
Error: There was an expected HRESULT error catched: 0x80042413 <Unknown
error code>
This error message indicates the same issue as VDS_E_DEVICE_IN_USE.
To resolve the issue, restart the VDS service or reboot the machine.
NOTE: Recovery Manager for SQL only supports snapshot exposure to a host.
52 Using the Recovery Manager CLI