Software Suite for Oracle Instruction Manual

Recovery Manager Utilities
Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide
2.6.6 The Virtual Copy Export Utility
3PAR Recovery Manager’s virtual copy export utility exports an existing virtual copy to an
alternate backup host. The exported virtual copy (
vcdba_export command) can then be
mounted, backed up or cloned at the alternate backup host.
The virtual copy must have
Available status in order to be exported. An alternate backup
host must have the same operating system, file system, volume manager, and Recovery
Manager version as the current backup host. Status of a virtual copy can be obtained using a
display utility such as the
vcdba_display command.
The following restrictions apply to exporting virtual copies:
If Veritas Volume Manager is used, the alternate backup host must have the same version
of Veritas Volume Manager that is currently installed.
The alternate backup host must be connected to the same InServ Storage Server as the
current backup host.
An identical Oracle Database Administrator user ID and group ID on the backup host must
exist on the alternate backup host.
If the backup host uses SSH as the connection method from the backup host to the primary
host, then a secure shell connection must be set up between the backup host and the
alternate backup host prior to executing this utility. This is the only connection method
supported in Red Hat Linux.
(Solaris only) If the backup host uses RSH as the connection method from the backup host
to the primary host, then an RSH connection must be set up between the backup host and
the alternate backup host prior to using this utility.
Once exported, the virtual copy on the alternate backup host can be mounted, umounted,
backed up, and restored.
Once the exported virtual copy is no longer needed, its repository can be removed from the
alternate backup host.
2.6.7 The Database Cloning Utility
3PAR Recovery Manager’s database cloning utility (vcdba_createdb command) creates a
single-instance database, or starts up a cloned database in MOUNTED mode for backup
(RMAN) purposes. A single-instance database can be used for any off-host processing purpose.
A cloned database that is started in MOUNTED mode, can be used for RMAN backup.