Software Suite for Oracle Owner's manual

Setting Up Connections from the Backup Server to the Database Server
To set up an SSH connection from the backup server to the database server:
Copy the public key ( of the backup server to the authorized_keys file of
the database server.
<backup_server> # scp ~/.ssh/ <db_server>:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If the authorized_keys file already exist, add the public key (from ~/.ssh/ on
the backup server) to the end of the authorized_keys file on the database server.
Verifying Connections from the Backup Server to the Database Server
From the backup server, verify the connection to the database server as follows:
<backup_server># ssh <user>@<db_server>
The authenticity of host '<db_server>' can't be established.
DSS key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:x:xx:xx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Warning: Permanently added '<db_server>' (DSS) to the list of
known hosts.
where <user> is either the root or the Oracle owner user and <db_server> is the database
server’s hostname.
NOTE: If you are prompted for a password, the connection was not set up correctly. To resolve
the issue:
Redo the connection setup.
Verify that the .ssh directory and the files within the .ssh directory have the correct
Setting Up Connections from the Backup Server to the NetBackup Master Server
To set up an SSH connection from the backup server to the NetBackup (NBU) master server:
Copy the public key ( of the backup server to the authorized_keys file of
the NBU master server.
<backup_server # scp ~/.ssh/ <NBU_server>:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If the authorized_keys file already exist, add the public key (from ~/.ssh/
on the backup server) to the end of the authorized_keys file on the NetBackup master
Verifying Connections from the Backup Server to the NetBackup Master Server
From the backup server, verify the connection to the NetBackup master server as follows:
<backup_server># ssh <user>@<NBU_master>
The authenticity of host '<NBU_master>' can't be established.
DSS key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:x:xx:xx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Setting Up SSH Connections for Recovery Manager 41