Software Suite for Oracle Owner's manual

-o online
Create an online database Virtual Copy in Remote Copy or Synchronous Long Distance
configuration. The specified database instance must be online.
-o offline
Create an offline database Virtual Copy in Remote Copy or Synchronous Long Distance
configuration. The specified database instance must be offline.
-o validate
Validates the Remote Copy configuration.
Runs the command in verbose mode.
Force to create a database Virtual Copy with a retention time. If retention time is specified either
through the Recovery Manager for Oracle configuration file or through the -r option, this option
must be specified.
-e <time> {d|D|h|H}
Specifies the relative time from the current time that volume will expire. <time> is a positive integer
value and in the range of 1 to 43,800 hours (1825 days). d|D means days. h|H means hours.
A value of 0 indicates the Virtual Copy does not have an expiration period. If the -r option is
used, the expiration time must be equal to or longer than the retention time.
-r <time>{d|D|h|H}
Specifies the amount of time, relative to the current time, that the Virtual Copy will be retained. If
the -r option is not specified, the retention time of the Virtual Copy defaults to the value set in the
configuration file. <time> is a positive integer value and in the range of 0 to 43800 hours (1825
days). d|D means days. h|H means hours. A value of 0 indicates the Virtual Copy does not have
a retention period.
98 Using the Recovery Manager Command Line Interface