Command Reference Guide

2h). The created snapshot will be named sample_vv_set.HH.MMM where HH and MM refer to
the hour and minute that the snapshot was created (@vvname@.@H@.@M@):
cli% createsched "createsv -ro -exp 2h @vvname@.@H@.@M@ vv" "0 * * * *" sv_task
The following example creates a scheduled task which will create a consistent group snapshot.
The read-only snapshots will be created from the volume set: dbora (see CLI Help -sub
objectsets) that will expire in two hours (-exp 2h) and the snapshots will be named using the
pattern @vvname@.@s@ (volume name specified in the set, with the epoch in seconds appended).
The task will be named snap_odbora_set and run every hour on the hour during the working
hours from 8am to 5pm ("0 8-17 * * *"):
cli% createsched "createsv -ro -exp 2h @vvname@.@s@ set:dbora" "0 8-17 * * *"
The following example creates a scheduled task which will create a consistent group snapshot for
a single virtual volume:
createsched "createsv -ro -exp 2h @vvname@.@s@ vvname" "0 * * * *" snap_large_tpvv_a
Add a comment with spaces to createsv by surrounding the comment with escaped double
createsched "createsv -ro -exp 2h -comment \"Comment with spaces\" @vvname@.@H@.@M@
vv" "0 * * * *" sv_task
The <taskschedule> string has five fixed fields: minute, hour, day-of-month, month,
Fields are separated by spaces. The allowed values for the fields are:
Allowed ValuesField
* or 0-23Hour
* or 1-31Day-of-Month
* or 1-12Month
* or 0-6 (0 is Sunday)Day-of-Week
Scheduling on February 29 is not supported.
Lists are allowed. A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated by commas. Examples:
1,2,5,9, “0-4,8-12.
132 Create Commands