Command Reference Guide

Specifies that the histogram displays data either from a previous sample (prev) or from when
the system was last started (begin). If no option is specified, the histogram shows data from the
beginning of the command’s execution.
Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If not specified, the total is
d <secs>
Specifies the interval in seconds that statistics are sampled from using an integer from 1 through
2147483. If no count is specified, the command defaults to 2 seconds.
iter <number>
Specifies that the histogram is to stop after the indicated number of iterations using an integer from
1 through 2147483647.
sortcol <col> [,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are numbered from left to right,
beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, you can specify the direction
of sorting (<dir>) as follows:
Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple can specify multiple columns on the command line by using a colon (:). Rows having the
same column(s) are sorted by the values in the latter specified columns.
filt <fspec>
Specifies that histograms below the threshold specified by the <fspec> argument are not displayed.
The <fspec> argument is specified in the syntax of <op>,<val_ms>,<count>.
The <op> argument can be specified as one of the following:
r - Specifies read statistics.
w - Specifies write statistics.
t - Specifies total statistics.
rw - Specifies total read and write statistics.
Specifies the threshold service time in milliseconds.
Specifies the minimum number of access above the threshold service time. When filtering is
done, the <count> is compared with the sum of all columns starting with the one which
corresponds to the threshold service time. For example,-t,8,100 specifies that only the rows
where the 8ms column and all columns to the right adds up to more than 100 are to be
Specifies that histograms for only nonidle devices are displayed. This option is shorthand for the
option filt t,0,0.
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