Command Reference Guide

Specifies that sums for VLUNs are grouped by host in the display. All VLUNs to unnamed hosts
are added and displayed as a single set of data with a nameless host.
metric both|time|size
Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
both - (Default) Displays both I/O time and I/O size histograms.
time - Displays only the I/O time histogram.
size - Displays only the I/O size histogram.
timecols <fcol> <lcol>
For the I/O time histogram, show the columns from the first column <fcol> through last column
<lcol>. The available columns range from 0 through 31.
The first column (<fcol>) must be a value greater than or equal to 0, but less than the value
of the last column (<lcol>) (default value of 6).
The last column (<lcol>) must be less than or equal to 31 (default value of 15).
The first column includes all data accumulated for columns less than the first column and the
last column includes accumulated data for all columns greater than the last column.
sizecols <fcol> <lcol>
For the I/O size histogram, show the columns from the first column (<fcol>) through the last
column (<lcol>). Available columns range from 0 through 15.
The first column (<fcol>) must be a value greater than or equal to 0, but less than the value
of the last column (<lcol>) (default value of 3).
The last column (<lcol>) must be less than or equal to 15 (default value of 11).
Shows the access count in each bucket as a percentage.
NOTE: For the following options, by default the histogram shows data from the start of the
Histogram displays data either from a previous sample (prev) or from when the system was last
started (begin). If no option is specified, the histogram shows data from the beginning of the
command’s execution.
Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If not specified, the total is
d <secs>
Specifies the interval in seconds that statistics are sampled from using an integer from 1 through
2147483. If no count is specified.
iter <number>
Specifies that the histogram is to stop after the indicated number of iterations using an integer from
1 through 2147483647.
sortcol <col> [,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
Sorts command output based on column number <col>. Columns are numbered from left to right,
beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, you can specify the direction
of sorting <dir> as follows:
198 Hist Commands