Command Reference Guide

The removehost command removes a system host or paths to a host. If one or more paths are
specified, the command removes only those paths, otherwise the entire host definition is removed.
removehost [options] <hostname> [<WWN>...|<ISCSI_name>...]
Super, Edit
Any role granted the host_remove right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command.
Remove World Wide Name(s) (WWN(s)) or iSCSI names even if there are Virtual Volume Logical
Unit Numbers (VLUNs) exported to the host. This option cannot be used if the entire host definition
is being removed.
Specifies that the paths are iSCSI names. If this option is not specified, the paths are WWNs.
Specifies the host name, using up to 31 characters.
Only the specified WWN(s) path to the specified host is removed. This specifier is not required
on the command line. If a WWN is not specified, the entire host definition is removed.
Specifies the host iSCSI name to be removed from the specified host. If no ISCSI name is specified,
the entire host definition is removed.
Access to all domains is required to run this command.
A host that has one or more VLUNs exported on it cannot be removed.
The following example removes host test01:
cli% removehost test01
removehost 235