Command Reference Guide

21 Service Commands
The servicecage command is necessary when executing removal and replacement actions for
a drive cage FC-AL module. The startfc or unstartfc subcommands are used to initiate
service on a cage, and the endfc subcommand is used to indicate that service is completed.
The syntax for the servicecage command can be one of the following:
servicecage remove [-f] <cagename>
servicecage startfc|unstartfc|endfc|resetfc|hresetfc|clearlog [-f]
[-ovrd] [a|b]|[0|1] <cage_name>
Super, Service
Any role granted the cage_service right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command.
Can vary for each subcommand as noted in the following section.
Prepare an FC-AL module for removal.
Stop the startfc subcommand. See “NOTES” for additional information about the unstartfc
Indicates that service on the drive cage is completed and allows the system to resume use of the
FC-AL module. Both startfc and unstartfc need this action to complete the service operation.
See “NOTES” for additional information about the endfc subcommand. Permitted for Edit user
in addition to Super and Service users.
For DC1 and DC3 drive cages, soft resets the FC-AL module.
For DC2 and DC4 drive cages, resets the cage. FC-AL specifier is ignored.
For DC1 and DC3 drive cages, hard reset the FC-AL module.
For DC2 and DC4 drive cages, hard reset the cage. FC-AL specifier is ignored.
Removes the indicated drive cage (indicated with the <cage_name> specifier) from the system. If
this subcommand is used, the a|b or 0|1 port specifier is not required. This command fails when
the cage has active ports or is in use. Only permitted for a Super user.
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