Command Reference Guide

The World Wide Name (WWN) or iSCSI name of the host which should be reset or for which
host agent data should be cleared.
node — Specifies the node using a number from 0 through 7.
Specifies the PCI slot in the specified node. Valid ranges are:
0 – 9 for the StoreServ 10000 storage system platform
0 — 5 for the S and T-Class storage system platforms
0 — 3 for the E200 storage system platform
0 — 2 for the F-Class storage system platform
Specifies the port using a number from 1 through 4.
Access to all domains is required for the clearagent subcommand.
The following example change the settings of a host:
cli% sethost -contact "Joe Smith" -model "Sun Ultra 60" queasy10
cli% sethost initchap "MyChapSecret" queasy10
cli% sethost targetchap -hex "30313233343536373839303132333435" queasy10
cli% sethost removechap -target queasy10
cli% sethost clearagent 210100E08B32A58A
cli% sethost -persona 1 queasy10
cli% sethost rst -wwn 210100E08B32A58A 0:2:3
The CHAP configurations are applied to all hosts whose names match one or more of the
specified <host_name> or <pattern> specifiers. The patterns are treated as glob-style
(shell-style) patterns. Refer to “Glob-Style Pattern” (page 12) for further information.
The options that allow for adding descriptive information are for annotation purposes only;
the storage server does not actively use the information provided here.
Remove descriptors by passing an empty string to the command.
Verify modification of host properties by issuing the showhost command.
298 Set Commands