Command Reference Guide

Specifies the operation of the group(s). Valid operations are:
reverse - Changes the natural and current direction of all specified groups. The operation
is mirrored resulting in a direction change on both systems. This option is very flexible
depending on the options that are provided.
CAUTION: Do NOT use the reverse specifier as part of the disaster recovery process.
Misuse of this specifier can result in lost data on the system configured as the primary system
under normal operating conditions.
failover - Changes secondary volume groups to primary volume groups on the primary
system in the event of a system failure. If the group has multiple targets it will also attempt to
pull more recent data from other targets and start Remote Copy to those targets when complete.
switchover Migrates the remote copy group from primary to secondary without impacting
the host I/O. This command requires that associated hosts are connected to both the primary
and secondary arrays. The WWNs of primary and secondary volumes are consistent and the
host persona of the host must support Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA).
recover - Used for groups on which the failover operation has already been run. Changes
matching primary volume groups on the backup system to secondary volume groups and then
starts and synchronizes all groups.
restore - Used on groups on which the recover operation has already been run. Returns
all groups to their natural direction and starts them.
override — This command overrides the failsafe state which is applied to Remote Copy
group allowing the associated volumes to be exported to attached hosts.
t <tname>
When used with <dr_operation> subcommands, specifies the target that the <dr_operation>
command applies to. This is optional for single target groups, but required for multi-target groups.
If no groups are specified, it applies to all relevant groups. When used with the pol subcommand,
specified for a group with multiple targets, the command only applies to that target; otherwise, it
is applied to all targets.
Does not ask for confirmation for disaster recovery commands.
Specifies that groups are not started after role reversal is completed. This option can be used for
failover, recover, and restore subcommands.
Specifies that groups are not synced after the role reversal is completed through the recover,
restore, and failover specifiers.
Specifies not to check a group's other targets to see if newer data should be pushed from them if
the group has multiple targets. The use of this option can result in the loss of the most recent changes
to the group's volumes and should be used carefully. This option is only valid for the failover
This option is only valid for the failover and reverse specifiers. When used with the reverse
specifier, specifies that the synchronized snapshots of groups that are switched from primary to
secondary not be promoted to the base volume. When used with the failover specifier, it
indicates that snapshots of groups that are switched from secondary to primary should not to be
setrcopygroup 315